Greetings freshmen students and assembled guests. Allow me to introduce myself. I congratulate you and bid you a warm welcome to Nagasaki University. And to the family members who supported and guided you on the path to this day, we celebrate with you this great milestone.
Nagasaki is a fascinating city. To mark the commencement of your studies, I should like to begin by reflecting briefly on the history of this great city and university. For the approximately 200 years of Japan’s period of national seclusion, Nagasaki was the only port of entry for travelers from the west, and you have chosen to study at this, Nagasaki’s flagship university. As a matter of fact, 161 years ago, Willem Johan Cornelis ridder Huyssen van Kattendijke first arrived in Nagasaki Harbor on the battleship Kanrin Maru, commissioned by the Tokugawa shogunate during the final years of the Edo period, and Mitsubishi Shipyard and the Nagasaki Medical School were established shortly thereafter. The Mistubishi Shipyard, Glover Garden and Hashima Island (commonly known as “軍艦島”) were registered collectively as The Meiji Industrial Revolution Legacy Site and added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 2015. On that same ship 161 years ago was Dr. Johannes Lijdius Catharinus Pompe van Meerdervoort, who opened the first medical training and treatment facility, thereby laying the foundation of Western medicine in Japan. Nagasaki City and Nagasaki University have a rich tradition of contributing to enlightenment and innovation, and now, as you begin your studies, all of you will join in that tradition.
I commend each of you, for you have already met your first big challenge, the university entrance exam, splendidly, and from today you are Nagasaki University students. To realize your full potential and make your university life as rewarding as possible, I’d like you to pay special attention to three important things. Engrave these three things in your heart, and they will be of immeasurable assistance in making your years at Nagasaki University fruitful.
Number one: develop a broad and international perspective. We cannot build a prosperous future for Japan by restricting ourselves to Japanese ideas and viewpoints. In the current era of rapid globalization where global commerce operates without respect to national borders, it is essential that each of you broaden your horizons and challenge yourselves to explore unfamiliar fields of study and meet new people.
Compared to Japan’s current population of 120 million, it is said that there is an English-proficient population of 2 billion worldwide. In other words, 16 times the total population of Japan use English as a communication tool. In order to understand cultures and values different from Japan’s, and to widen understanding of our own worldview, developing proficiency in English is an indispensable step.
To help you seize the opportunities of this global era to the fullest, Nagasaki University will offer you an exciting array of educational opportunities. To begin with, we have launched the “Nagasaki Global Plus Course” initiative, modeled on the educational system of the United States, with the aim of delivering all subject lectures exclusively in English. Our Summer and Spring Short-Term Exchange Programs send students to study in China, South Korea, Australia, France, Germany and the United States among others; we’ve established the “Breakthrough Project” as part of “Rise Up Japan Exchange”[=「トビタテ!留学JAPAN」] in which Nagasaki University students, along with students all over Japan, partner with local businesses in economic development projects throughout Southeast Asia and India; And under the auspices of the Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (known as RECNA), you will have the opportunity to travel to the United Nations in New York and the Geneva Conference to express your views on nuclear disarmament in English. I encourage each of you to be adventurous, believe in your own potential, and boldly challenge yourself.
With initiatives like these, we will devote all of our resources to ensuring that your study here will enable you to develop this broad and international perspective. This must be your goal, and as you begin your studies here, set your sights on a future of active participation in the international arena. I am counting on all of you to achieve great things as you join the global community.
The second thing I want you to commit yourselves to is to have the courage to challenge yourselves. Nagasaki University has a noble history. When the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki 73 years ago, Nagasaki University was in dire peril of having to close, but through valiant struggles and dogged determination, it overcame these hardships and reopened.
Let me urge each of you to have the same resilience, and pursue your dreams whatever obstacles you encounter. Others may call you reckless, but remember, taking bold risks is the prerogative of youth. And if you fail, failure is merely another opportunity to learn. There will be plenty of chances to try again. There are those among you who already have a clear vision of the career path you plan to take, whereas for others, having just successfully emerged from the long and arduous university exam trial, you will want to join all of the exciting extracurricular activities university life has to offer and take a bit longer to find your direction. Either way, it is all of you who will undertake the challenge of building the future, and the world eagerly awaits your vital energy and talent. The 21st century promises a more rapid pace of transformation and innovation than any the world has seen.
To confront the challenges of the future and thrive in this period of transformation, it is my great hope that you will find within yourselves the courage to undertake risks. Rather than simply echoing the inward-looking tendencies of society and following the path of least resistance, think for yourself, and develop the skills you will need to help clear a path to the uncharted future. Acquire the attitude and spirit of the entrepreneur, [a person who starts and runs businesses]. Working with those around you, generate your own ideas for projects to connect the university and the larger society, and strive to articulate those ideas, put them into practice and evaluate the results. If you fail the first time, learn from that failure. Identify flaws, explore possible solutions, and refine your plan, and learn how to mobilize the resources around you. Mr. Akira Takata, a native of Hirado in the northernmost part of Nagasaki Prefecture, traveled overseas and, putting into practice the many ideas inspired by his experiences, he established an innovative new business model. After he resigned as President of Japanet Takata, he took on the task of rebuilding the V-Varen Nagasaki football club then fallen into financial crisis, and in the span of just one year the team was promoted to the J1 league through his shrewd leadership. Since 2015 he has served as a management trustee of Nagasaki University and has given us his invaluable opinions.
Learn from the example of this magnificent role model never to fear challenges, but to embrace them. These experiences will serve as building blocks for the future, and will foster personal growth. Dynamic individuals with the ability to take action are precisely what society needs now.
The third and final thing I hope you will seek out during your studies here are experiences which enable you to feel the sense of accomplishment that comes from working in collaboration with others.
The Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic Winter Games, which seem like only the other day, have left an indelible impression in the hearts of all us. The members of the Team Pursuit relay team won the gold medal and dazzled countless Japanese fans with their spectacular feats. The seeds of that triumph were planted in the humiliating defeat at the Sochi Winter Olympics 4 years earlier. Facing off against then-undisputed champions the Netherlands, they were beaten by a distance of just one half-circuit, a time-span of just 12 seconds. Following that defeat, the players, like the graceful ideal Yamato Nadeshiko, made up for what they lacked in physical size and power, by adopting a strategy of forming in beautifully ordered ranks and alternating lead skaters at breathtaking speed. In formations of an amazing 10 to 20 centimeters between skaters, and moving their arms and legs in perfect coordination, they mastered through patience, effort and intricate teamwork a high-risk strategy where if their timing was just slightly off they would have crashed. Through diligent practice over a long period of time, the players were able to learn each other’s characteristic movements and skating styles so perfectly that their bodies moved as one, and thanks to this they could taste the joy of victory. Of course, just as Yuzuru Hanyu overcame the handicap of a serious ankle injury to capture the gold medal, there are many moving examples of individuals who achieve their dreams or goals all through their own fierce determination. But just as often you will find when you enter the workforce that one person is responsible for only one small part of a project, and without the combined efforts of many co-workers, the project cannot succeed. So I urge you to seek out opportunities to share the sense of accomplishment found in collaborating with others, and the heightened fulfillment that comes with it. Even if you fail repeatedly, you will find that by encouraging each other you will summon the strength to overcome such setbacks. And through this kind of process you will also improve your communication skills. Autonomy, enthusiasm and communication skills: these are all indispensable qualities for success in society.
Nagasaki University has a community of 9000 students, and 500 exchange students as well as 3100 educators and supporting staff. In addition to study activities, there are over 120 extracurricular circles and sports clubs brimming every day with the youthful energy of its members. You are guaranteed to find a circle of friends with the same aims and interests as you. Certainly it is important for you to explore to the fullest your field of study and develop your individual strengths, but I would suggest that an even more powerful legacy of your university days will be the strength you will derive from learning to work in harmony with a team. Society is full of problems too intractable for one person to solve. Analyzing yourself to discover where to direct your efforts and how best to apply your own unique talents to make your collaboration with your team as fruitful as possible will be excellent preparation that will stand you in good stead when you join the larger society.
In conclusion, it is my fervent hope for all of you that in your time here at Nagasaki University you will come to know yourselves better, learn about society, and form many lasting friendships, and that your experiences will help prepare you for rich and productive lives. I wish you all the best and thank you for your kind attention.
Shigeru Kohno
Nagasaki University
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新入生の皆さんは、鎖国時代の約200年間に日本で唯一西洋に開かれていた長崎の大学を選んで入学しました。161年前、幕末に徳川幕府が発注した軍艦ヤーパン号(後の咸臨丸)でウィレム・ヨハン・コルネリス・リデル・ホイセン・ファン・カッテンディーケ(Willem Johan Cornelis ridder Huyssen van Kattendijke)が長崎港を訪れました。そのとき、ともにやってきたオランダの軍医であるヨハネス・レイディウス・カタリヌス・ポンペ・ファン・メールデルフォールト(Johannes Lijdius Catharinus Pompe van Meerdervoort)は、医学伝習所と養生所を作り日本における西洋医学教育の基礎を築きました。これが今の長崎大学医学部に繋がっています。また、三菱重工長崎造船所やグラバー邸、軍艦島は平成27年に「明治日本の産業革命遺産」として世界遺産に登録されています。このように極めて開明的な伝統を持つ長崎にある長崎大学で皆さんは今後研鑽を積むわけです。
21世紀はこれまで以上に多くのことが高速で変容しています。予測困難な未来を生き抜き、大変容の時代を担うために私が皆さんに望むことは、「勇気ある挑戦」をして欲しいということです。社会の内向き傾向の影響を受けて小さくまとまるのではなく、主体的に考え、未知の未来を切り開く力を身につけるとともに、是非、学生時代にアントレプレナー(起業家)精神を身につけてください。社会と大学をつなぐ企画を自分の頭で積極的に考え、表現・行動して周囲に働きかけ、その結果を評価し、もし失敗しても次に生かす。このように自分で問題を見つけ、解決方法を模索し、それを表現して、周りに働きかけるということを学んでください。長崎県北部の平戸出身の?田 明さんは、海外での経験から様々なアイデアを思いつき、それを実行して新しいビジネスモデルを確立し、ジャパネットたかたという会社を大きくしました。同社の社長は退かれましたが、経営危機に陥ったV・ファーレン長崎の再建を引き受け、僅か1年でJ1に昇格させる凄まじいリーダーシップを発揮されました。?田さんには平成27年4月から、本学の経営協議会委員として長崎大学の経営にも貴重なご意見を頂いています。
河野 茂